Dissecting the global supply chain

The SCOA Team is excited to present you with The BOTTLENECKS Podcast, which aims to discuss certain supply chains in Canada and around the world.


EP 01 - COVID-19: Supply Chains & Restaurants

Harish Krishnan:

  • Professor of Operations and Logistics at the UBC Sauder School of Business

  • Co-creator of Analytics@Sauder platform

In the pilot episode of BOTTLENECKS, we chat with Professor Harish Krishnan of the UBC Sauder School of Business about the various global supply chain challenges that emerged as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, we look at the challenges the pandemic posed to one restaurant in Langley, BC.

EP 02 - The Dark Chocolate Supply Chain

Dr. Sophia Carodenuto:

  • Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Victoria

Komi Agbokou:

  • Co-Founder & CEO of Choco Togo

With Halloween right around the corner, we look at the structure of the global chocolate market, social and environmental issues in the supply chain, and actions we can take to buy chocolate consciously.

EP 03 - Canada’s Global Trade Networks

Sarah Barnes-Humphrey:

We have a broad chat with Sarah Barnes-Humphrey to learn about Canada’s trade infrastructure, shipping and logistics, sustainability, and the role of government in supply chain.

“You can show the Jupyter notebook, and you can trace the code on the fly, or you can change data and graphs on the fly. I think this gives students and instructors an ability to interact with the content more easily.”

— Harish Krishnan